Java Games/ Shooting


After the two Hell Wars fought by mankind against the hordes of demons and vampires, onlya few scattered enclaves of humans survive. These citadels are called Isles of Light and are their last defence. After several generations, people with special abilities were born to wagewar against the creatures of the night...You are one of the few remaining warriors, called stalkers by the inhabitants of the citadels. You must protect the remaining citadels from the intrusions of the evil hordes. Starting with ashotgun, you progress through the deserted and murky landscape filled with odd anddangerous creatures. Your mission is to find the three keys - three long-lost crystals of theprecursors. With them youll seal the rift in space and time, from which the endless hordes of Hell are pouring. Beware, however, that the demons are also after these crystals, so you must be prepared for a fierce battle with demon spawn.

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